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Nourishment versus Comfort

With the radical self-care revolution upon us, nourishment of self is one of the key goals in taking care and loving ourselves. But when does self-care become a bit too much? Where is the fine line between taking care of yourself versus being too indulgent? How do you know when you’re nourishing yourself versus comforting yourself? Is eating a chocolate nourishing or comforting? Is avoiding certain situations nourishing or comforting? Is going for a massage nourishing or comforting? Is getting what you want nourishing or comforting. Here are some points to take note of when it comes to nourishment and comfort.

1. If you feel good for a short period of time, it’s comfort

When you bite into that chocolate or munch on that packet of crisps, you initially might feel a sense of relief or a bit of a sugar rush, but later on not feel so good if you haven’t eaten something a bit more nourishing during the day. This is a feeling of temporary comfort. You might not go to your yoga or fitness class and get into bed instead and feel comfort, but at the end of the day that class could have been beneficial for your overall well-being. Of course there are times where rest trumps a workout but how honest are you being with yourself when this is the case?

2. Nourishment is generally uncomfortable

Getting into a mind set and routine that is nourishing may start off uncomfortable but once you’ve gotten used to it, it has multiple positive ripple effects. If you had to make changes in your life to bring more nourishment to your soul, what would you need to do? Finally get out of that toxic relationship? Change your diet? Watch something inspiring as opposed to entertaining? Go for a walk in nature instead of hitting the bar? All of these changes could be uncomfortable but at the end of the day, the rewards would be worth it!

3. Comfort is short term, nourishment is long term

We live in the now yes, but the fact that our actions now affect our future is unavoidable. So what actions or steps can you take today that will harvest a sense of deep nourishment in your future. Being in comfort now can contribute towards your nourishment in the future, depending on the context. To imagine the possible future effects of now actions, ask your future self what they think? So even saying, ‘Hi future self, if I have a second helping of food how will you feel?’ Or, ‘If I don’t speak up now in this moment, what will the ultimate consequences be?’ Or, ‘If I have this massage, or take that course will it add nourishment to my life?'

4. Nourishment takes Discipline

Getting yourself into a mind-set of nourishment may not be easy. Many of us live our lives trying to buffer, i.e. comfort our experience from moment to moment. We use food, nicotine, alcohol, people, anti-depressants etc. to try support our inner needs. Or, we go to the other extremes of spending too much time in therapy, massage rooms, courses etc. when what actually needs attention, doesn’t get it in any of these spaces. Inviting more nourishment into your life will take some changes in your routine and habits. What change can you begin making? You can start small and work your way up, it doesn’t have to be a dramatic change.

5. Nourishment takes Commitment

If you move towards a mind set of nourishment, it takes commitment to continuously keep that energy flowing. It might feel hard at first as learning something new is always awkward, but eventually it will be become the new normal if you commit to it. Imagine what your life would look like in a space of pure nourishment.

6. Nourishment takes Trust

Nourishment takes discipline, it takes showing up in those uncomfortable feelings, sitting with them and allowing them to pass so that nourishment can show up and greet you. To get to a place of nourishment also takes trust, trusting that God/the universe (or whatever you believe in) sometimes knows your needs better than you do. So trust that there are deeper reasons as to why you didn’t get that job, or why that relationship had to end or why you had to move to another place.

7. Nourishment is brings Connection into your Life

The more you nourish yourself, the more connection you bring into your life: connection to yourself and with others. If you choose nourishment over comfort you open up the space to receive more and to notice what's actually going on inside of yourself.

You might not even know what nourishes you. Take some time to find that out. It will be worth it!

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